copyright don metke
My compositions are based on depictions of objectivity.
By visualizing icons and symbols as metaphors, the viewer
becomes an active participant in a problem solving experience. 
I strive to connect the abstract within some realm of reality. 
A bit of mysticism, dissimulation and camouflage adds
dimension and a multi layer platform of attentiveness.

Much like dreams, where pieces do not realistically fit or make
sense, their association in this dream state continue to interact
and function.  We self analyze and attempt to make some
sense of this distortion and at times problem solve a solution,
make a personal connection or a comfortable resolution. 

From Dante to Shakespeare these dream form associations,
our process of thought, the capacity of the dream and the
interpretive nature of our dreams continue to draw attentiveness.

The Veristic Surrealists in the 30's enjoyed this spirit of
mysticism. This allowance for subconscious imagery to be
held and later transformed into a more conscious understanding
and visual expression.

I construct my imagery in three dimensional wall pieces
attempting to seduce the curious with intricate relationships
and craftsmanship to allow and invite further contemplation.

Don Metke
don metke home page assemblage art
metke_DeSaturation Point
metke_Of Questionable Origin
metke_DeSaturation Point
metke_voodoo love
don metke